What we're looking for
We are interested in stories that feature Guyanese folklore myths or legends, or stories set in Guyana with your own twists to existing Guyanese landmarks and/traditions. In recognition of the worldbuilding that may be required, only stories with up to 9,000 words or less will be accepted. Stories over this word count will be rejected.
We want Sci-Fi stories that stir the imagination of what a futuristic Guyana, or futuristic technology in modern or even historical Guyana, would look like. How would this technology impact lives? What problems would it solve? Perhaps most importantly, what problems would it cause? Only stories with up to 5,000 words or less will be accepted. Stories over this word count will be rejected.
For romance, we want concise but enjoyable stories that feature romance. These stories must feature believable characters in settings that are Guyanese or Caribbean at the very least. Themes such as infidelity, trust and betrayal are encouraged. If romance is not a central part of your story and you're unsure if it belongs here, still send it. We'll be the judge of that. Do not submit stories with explicit sex scenes. We do not publish erotica. Only stories with up to 3,000 words or less will be accepted. Stories over this word count will be rejected.
When it comes to action stories, we want stories that have well written, high stakes action scenes. We want action scenes that keep readers at the edge of their seats and in doubt about who will emerge victorious. Preferably, we want action where the reader actually cares what happens to the character. Do not submit stories with gratuitous gore and violence. Only stories with up to 3,000 words or less will be accepted. Stories over this word count will be rejected.
In an effort to encourage more stories centered around sports, we are also seeking stories in which Caribbean sports are prominently featured. We want sports to be a vehicle in which a great story, with well written characters, plots and themes, travel. Avoid writing stories in which the mechanics of the sport, or the statistics, slow down the story's momentum. Only stories with up to 3,000 words or less will be accepted. Stories over this word count will be rejected.
We want age appropriate stories, set in Guyana or the Caribbean, in which children related themes are focal points and readers can be entertained. Authors of all ages are, of course, welcome to submit. Only stories with up to 2,000 words or less will be accepted. Stories over this word count will be rejected.
Horror does not have a dedicated category. Depending on the type of horror submitted, however, your story will be placed in either the folklore or action categories. Do not submit stories with gratuitous gore and violence. Only stories with up to 3,000 words or less will be accepted. Stories over this word count will be rejected.
How to submit
All stories are to be sent to desserttalesgy@gmail.com. DO NOT send us your stories in pdf or in the body of the email. Send your story as an attachment to the email, in either word or rich text formats. We do not require a cover letter. Please do, however, send us your mini bio along with your story. Kindly note that if selected, you'll also be required to send us your picture, which will be featured, together with your name and possible biographical details, in our promotional material on our social media pages and on this website.
We are firm believers that all published work by authors MUST be paid for. This is a core value of ours we intend to honor, regardless of the fact that we are a startup breaking new ground. Writers who successfully submit children stories will be paid a flat fee of GYD$7,000. Writers in all other story categories will be paid a flat fee of GYD$9,000. We reserve the right to a one year exclusivity period for any story we purchase. ONLY send us original work. We DO NOT publish reprints. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but we ask that you inform us immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
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